Kill Shelter Infographic

Infographic made to make others aware of the true meaning and purpose of what defines a kill shelter, and how to help and assist them. Originally in a dark blues and orange color palette, is has been revamped with a lighter, bluer tone with a bright red accent color to catch the eye of readers and viewers.
It was equally important to explain the difference in shelters as it was to explain why kill shelters are not a bad thing, and I had to balance between hierarchy to make sure both ideas tied together well, as well as the solution to this problem and raising awareness to programs that aid in resolving these issues.
Laid out in Illustrator on a two column, 5 row grid. Typefaces used a Proxima and Lato. Vector graphics are hand drawn referenced from imagery of Meeka's cats. (Who are very wonderful assistants, might I add.)
Original: 2021
Remake: 2022
Remake: 2022